Small Marketing Teams
HubSpot Business Intensive Order
Get The Most From Your HubSpot Platform And Inbound Marketing Strategy
With your HubSpot Business Intensive, you'll get advice on:
  • Funnel Analysis: Strong and Weak Points In Your Funnel
  • Internal Assumptions & Theories: Validating What Is Really Going On
  • Getting Found: Optimizing Your Site To Increase Traffic
  •  Increasing Leads: Turning More Website Visitors Into Leads
  •  Messaging & Clarity: Is Your Value Clear To Prospective Customers?
  •  HubSpot ROI: How to Get More From Your Investment In HubSpot
  •  Metrics: Ensuring You Have Clear, Actionable Reporting 
  •  HubSpot Configuration: Is Your Platform Set Up Correctly For Your Business?
  •  Quick Wins: Low Cost, Low Effort Improvements You Can Make Today
When your order is complete, you'll receive a pre-analysis questionnaire full of important information for your HubSpot audit. Once you submit that information, you'll get access to schedule both a questionnaire review call and your 2-hour HubSpot Intensive meeting

After the HubSpot Intensive, you'll receive a summary report documenting gaps, opportunities, and recommendations for improving your marketing and sales performance.

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Expiry Year:
All orders processed over a secure network.
"My background is in growing businesses, not a high-priced marketing agency. The advice my team and I give you on your marketing tactics, HubSpot set up, and sales process are the changes I would make if I were a partner in your company." 

- Josh Paul, founder of Small Marketing Teams
You'll Get Everything You Need To Map Out Your Next Steps...
Expert Analysis 
2-Hour HubSpot Intensive 
Recommendations Report
Who Should Attend The 2-Hour HubSpot Intensive Meeting?
There are two types of people who should attend your 2-Hour HubSpot Business Intensive meeting. 

First, invite people who are responsible for your marketing and sales strategies. This includes staff who communicate the strategy, monitor performance, and are responsible for making data-driven adjustments throughout the year.

The second group of people are those responsible for implementing your systems and executing your marketing and sales tactics. 

If you are worried about inviting people who may get defensive about recommended changes, rest assured, we make every effort possible to put them at ease. This program is about growing your business. Your HubSpot Intensive and report will not focus on why things are the way they are as much as it will lay out opportunities for making measurable improvements going forward.
How Long Does This Process Take?
Your HubSpot Business Intensive and report will give you a blueprint for improving the marketing metrics that matter most to you, so it is important that we give you our recommendations in a timely manner. Once we receive your completed pre-analysis questionnaire, it takes 2-3 weeks to audit your data, HubSpot usage, and website. From there, we compile our recommendations.
Do I Have To Be Using HubSpot To Order This Program?
This short answer is YES. There are specific analytics, tools, and opportunities that HubSpot gives you that are not available in other platforms. However, we offer a similar audit and recommendations program for people who want to grow their business, but are not using HubSpot.
Can The HubSpot Business Intensive Meeting Occur In Person, Or Is It Only Available Virtually?
Yes. Your HubSpot Business Intensive is available as an in-person workshop. However, we want to make sure you get the most value from our analysis and expertise, so the review of your marketing programs and blueprint for moving forward will be part of a larger (half or full-day) in-person HubSpot workshop. 

We will work with you to customize your workshop so that it specifically addresses the areas you need to grow your business. This may include HubSpot marketing or sales training, content planning, or "small team productivity" sessions.

Half-Day HubSpot Business Workshop: $6,000*
Full-Day HubSpot Business Workshop: $9,500*

In addition to your HubSpot intensive and report (plus your custom bonus sessions), your custom workshop comes with a one-hour follow-up call 2-4 weeks after your workshop to answer questions, clarify your strategy, and make sure you can move forward with your plan. The cost of the workshop also includes travel in the lower 48 United States. 

*includes the cost of today's HubSpot Intensive order. For instance, you would only be invoiced $4,000 for your half-day HubSpot workshop since you already paid $2,000 today.
Can Small Marketing Teams Help Implement The Recommendations?
Yes. We're happy to help improve specific parts of your marketing and sales process. However, the "small marketing teams" movement that this company was built on believes that, with the right  tools, training and guidance, your internal marketing staff can handle many of the tasks involved in running your marketing and lead generation systems. 

Though it is more cost-effective for Small Marketing Teams to advise and train your team, we are also available to implement many of the recommendations in the roadmap you'll receive from your HubSpot Intensive. This might include everything from implementing a lead management process to advanced marketing and sales automation. 

In cases where Small Marketing Teams does not offer the marketing services you need, we recommend partners we trust. 

For now, know that we are happy to help and we have the team and partners with the expertise you need. We can cross that bridge when you get a more clear picture of where you stand today and your biggest opportunities. 
Closed-Loop Reporting Disclaimer: You will get tremendous, 10X-level value from your HubSpot Business Intensive. We will analyze how you are utilizing HubSpot, whether your website is set up to drives traffic and capture leads, and highlight opportunities to turn more leads into sales. However, receiving a full analysis means that your CRM system is set up to track leads and deal, as well as push that data back to HubSpot. If your CRM is not set up for closed-loop reporting or your are not using HubSpot's CRM, your HubSpot Business Intensive will include recommendations for how to set it up. Note that, due to a lack of closed-loop data,  some lead qualify and "lead to customer" recommendation may be left out of your HubSpot Business Intensive. 
small marketing teams
Small Marketing Teams is HubSpot's premier sales enablement and marketing automation partner. We serve people who are generating leads today or have target accounts, but too few of those leads are converting into revenue.
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